1993 A to Z: X is for . . .

Hey, homeslice! Would you believe we’re down to the last three letters in . . .

1993 A to Z!

That’s right! Today we’re talking about the letter “X”—and when it comes to 1993, that only means one thing. (Remember, every item featured in this series is something that the main character, McKinley encounters in my new novel, Rewind.) Did you guess it already?


X is for . . .

[Image courtesy of people.com]

The X-Files

Full disclosure: I’ve actually only ever seen one episode of “The X-Files,” and it scared the bejeebus out of me. But that’s because I’m scared of everything, so this is probably not a good litmus test. (That intro, though? It’s spooky, right??) For basically everyone who wasn’t me in the 90s, “The X-Files” was the best thing since sliced bread. It debuted in 1993, running for 9 seasons with 202 episodes. There were also two short revival series in the 2010s, and two movies as well. Here’s what I know about the show: There are two (FBI?) agents, Mulder (the dude?) and Scully (the lady?), and one of them is totally all about alien cover-up conspiracies, and the other one thinks he’s full of hot baloney. Sometimes they find things that are “unexplainable” (probably aliens?); sometimes they find tape worms (pretty sure that’s one of the episodes?). Sometimes the show is uber scary and tense and sometimes it’s silly. I think Mulder and Scully have a will-they-won’t-they thing going, but I don’t care enough to confirm that. Also I found some trivia about the show that probably everyone but me already knows about . . . The truth is out there! (Probably??)



Were you a huge X-Files fan? Were there other 1993 “X”s that wouldn’t scare the bejeebus out of me? Let me know in the comments!

Next time we’re moving on to—you guessed it!—letter “Y!” If you need something to read in the meantime, may I suggest an awesome little novel called Rewind? It’s not scary, I swear! :)

Happy reading!


P.S. To read all the posts in the “1993 A to Z” series, click here!



1993 A to Z: Y is for…


1993 A to Z: W is for…