1993 A to Z: V is for…

Dude! We’ve made it all the way to letter “V” in the series . . .

1993 A to Z!

As you recall, this is the space where we’re talking all things awesome and 90s, one letter at a time. Each of the things mentioned in these posts appears in my new book, Rewind (which you should totally read because it’s amazing!).

You ready?


V is for . . .

[Image courtesy of Wikipedia]


I mean, what else was “V” going to be for in the 90s?? Videocassette recorders—or “VCRs,” as they are more commonly known—may have roots as far back as the 1950s (I know, I was shocked too!), but in the 90s they were a must-have household item. How else were you supposed to tape all your favorite episodes of “Saved by the Bell”? I personally had one of these combo TV/VCR units (pictured above), because I was a super cool cat. Nowadays we can watch pretty much whatever we want whenever we want to watch it, but in 1993 if you had play rehearsal at the same time that “Full House” was airing, the only way to see that particular episode—ever—was to pre-program your family’s VCR using the weirdly complicated system of, like, four often unlabeled buttons, making extra sure you didn’t record over someone else’s precious tape of “The Sinbad Show” or whatever. It could be a little stressful, honestly!


Special props to . . .

[Image courtesy of vans.com]

Vans checkered slip-on shoes

In 1993, if you wanted people to know that you too cool to care what anyone thought about you, then you probably had a pair of Vans shoes. The company started in 1996, and first released its iconic “98” black-and-white checkered slip-ons in 1979. Since then, they’ve been the shoe of skaters, punks, and ska enthusiasts. And though they are still very much around today, to me they totally scream 90s.



. . . And that’s a wrap on the 1993 “V”s. Let me know in the comments if I forgot any good ones. Next up we’ll be moving on to letter “W.” In the meantime, why don’t you check out Rewind? :)

Happy reading!


P.S. To read all the posts in the “1993 A to Z” series, click here!



1993 A to Z: W is for…


1993 A to Z: U is for . . .